Dr. Derek Fika's Tooth Facts

How to Treat and Prevent Cold Sores

Jan 2 • 1 minute read

Did you know that you should visit the Dentist when you notice symptoms of a cold sore?

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Derek Fika of Edmonton Alberta if you have a canker sore.

During the procedure, a dentist applies the laser directly to the cold sore. The laser penetrates the skin, stimulates cellular regeneration, and destroys the virus that causes the sore. 
You should see a dentist immediately if you notice symptoms of a cold sore

Visiting a dentist like Dr. Derek Fika can help treat and prevent canker sores.

Things to Consider About Laser Therapy for Cold Sores

Before undergoing laser treatment, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if it’s appropriate for your specific case and to understand the potential risks and benefits.
Laser treatments can be more expensive than traditional medications and may not be covered by insurance.

Dr. Derek Fika of Edmonton, Alberta offers laser therapy to treat canker sores.

Annual Edmonton’s Food Bank Fundraiser

We were thrilled to be a part of our very successful fundraising campaign this past holiday season!  Along with many generous patients we raised 

$6371.10 for the Edmonton’s Food Bank!!!

Our general dentist, Dr. Derek Fika participates in the Edmonton, Alberta food bank.

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