
Botox and Fillers. What are the Differences?

May 1 • 5 minute read

The Differences Between Botox and Fillers

Every year, providers do more than 15 million minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. This number has been steadily rising for years now.  People of all genders and ages

Evidently, there’s the growing pressure to remain youthful-looking. Because of this, many people are turning to non-surgical procedures to get their desired effects without drastic measures.

Are you thinking about getting Botox and fillers, but aren’t sure which one’s right for you? Then keep reading. We’ll go through the basics of each so you can make the right decision for your situation.


What's Botox?

Botox is an injection that’s filled with the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. This bacteria produces a toxin that causes paralysis in your muscles. This bacteria was first found in canned food and actually caused deaths in 1919 and 1920.

However, those days are long gone. Today, scientists have found ways to purify that toxin so we can use very little and controlled amounts of it.

In the beginning, Botox was actually used to treat medical conditions, such as migraines and strabismus. The effects on wrinkles were an unintended side effect, and it was soon used for cosmetic reasons.

How Does Botox Work?

You know that Botox gets rid of wrinkles, but how?

As we mentioned above, the Clostridium botulinum bacteria paralyzes muscles. When you get Botox injected into an area, it causes your muscles to be temporarily frozen.

Consider how wrinkles appear on your face. For example, when you smile and laugh a lot, you develop crow’s feet by your eyes.

If you get Botox injected in those areas, it’ll prevent your muscles from moving often. This can help reduce how deep your wrinkles get, as you won’t be using those muscles as much.

Please note that since it freezes muscles, Botox only works on wrinkles that are caused by muscle movement (dynamic wrinkles). It will not work on wrinkles that are caused by the sagging or loss of fat in your face (static wrinkles).

How Much Does Botox Cost?

On average, you can expect to pay around $400 per injection site. Depending on your provider, you may be charged per unit or per area.

How Long Does Botox Last?

Botox is not a permanent treatment. If you want to continually fight wrinkles, you’ll need to keep up with the injections. For most people the effects last about 3 to 4 months, so you’ll need to get injections 3 to 4 times a year for the best effects.

What Are Fillers?

Dermal fillers (or fillers) are also injected cosmetic treatments. These also address wrinkles, but more so, volume loss so you may be confused as to what the difference is between Botox and fillers.

These injections are placed right below the surface of your skin. The ingredients used in fillers can vary, depending on the specific one you choose. They include calcium hydroxylapatite, hyaluronic acid, polyalkylimide, polylactic acid, and polymethyl-methacrylate microspheres (PMMA).

While many people get fillers to fight signs of aging, it can also be used to plump up thin lips or soften the look of scars.

How Do Fillers Work?

As we get older, we start losing fat/volume in our faces. Without fat to plump up our skin, it can start to sag, plus get fine lines and/or wrinkles. These are the static wrinkles we mentioned earlier.

Fillers work to essentially fill in the void. The ingredients used in dermal fillers are all substances you’ll find naturally in the body or are compatible with it so you don’t suffer any adverse reactions.

So basically, fillers help you replace the lost volume you naturally experience as you get older.

How Much Do Fillers Cost?

The price of fillers will vary depending on the type you get. It can be anywhere from just under $700 to almost $1,000 per syringe. Like with Botox, you’ll most likely need several syringes to properly address all your problem areas.

How Long Do Fillers Last?

How long fillers last will depend on which particular injection you get. Some may only last 6 months, while others can last up to over 2 years.

You should also take note that results may not necessarily be immediate either. Some dermal fillers will take a bit longer to work than others.

Which One Should I Get?

Which cosmetic procedure you should get depends on what your situation is like.

For example, if you’re relatively young and don’t really have either type of wrinkles yet, Botox can still be a great choice. Many younger women nowadays are getting Botox as a preventative treatment, as it can fight off deep wrinkles and keep you more youthful-looking for years to come.

If you’re a bit older and find that you have both dynamic and static wrinkles, then getting both Botox and fillers can give you optimal results.

The best thing to do is to have a consultation with a professional. They can give you a thorough exam and discuss problem areas with you. From there, you can determine the best course of action together.

Considering both Botox and fillers are non-invasive procedures, you shouldn’t expect dramatic changes with either one. For those who have deep-set wrinkles that are very noticeable, you may get better results from a facelift. However, this is a surgical procedure, so it’s a bit more physically demanding.

Botox and Fillers: You Can Get Both

The great thing about Botox and fillers is you can get both with little to no side effects. Considering they’re both non-invasive procedures, you can combine the treatments for the best effects.

If you feel like you can benefit from both Botox and fillers, then feel free to get both. You’ll take years off your skin’s age by doing so!

Are you ready to get the non-surgical cosmetic procedures that’ll change your life? Contact Dr. Derek Fika today!


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