For Kids

Communicating About Self-Image With Your Teen

Sep 14 • 2 minute read

Parents want to protect their children from every difficult situation they might encounter, but we can't keep our children locked in a bubble their whole lives. The best thing that parents can do is keep an open line of communication to discuss body image and guide them with advice and encouragement. Dr. Derek Fika and his staff understand the challenges that parents and children face when it comes to self-image. Dr. Fika knows first-hand how the appearance of one's smile can affect self-esteem so providing compassionate dental care is a priority. 

It is important to let your child know that no one is perfect and majority of the images that they see online and on T.V. have been altered. If you notice that your child is speaking negatively about the way that they look, here are some tips to encourage a positive body image:

• Focus on positive thoughts about self-image rather than point out flaws.
• Focus on mental and emotional qualities rather than physical attributes. For example, being a kind person.
• Focus on the amazing machine that your body is and all the wonderful things that it is capable of doing. 
• Learn to listen to the messages that your body sends you to help you take care of it. What is your body telling you? 

Tips for a Positive Body Image

• Remind yourself that everyone has their own insecurities, so you are not the only one feeling the way you do. Others are caught up in their own feelings, so they are not thinking about your perceived flaws.
• You are a complete package of thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Your physical attributes do not define who you are.
• It is important to surround yourself with people who support you and appreciate you for who you are.
• Images that you see online have been edited using photoshop and filters to portray an unrealistic idea of beauty. Remind yourself that the models portrayed in those images do not look like that. 
• Treat yourself with compassion and respect. Wear clothes that make you feel good. Do something nice for yourself because you deserve it.
• Take care of yourself - eat a balanced diet, do some physical activity to get the endorphins released, get enough sleep, and practice good hygiene.

Dr. Derek Fika and his staff are here to provide consultations on how to improve the oral health of you and your family. Improving and maintaining the appearance of one's smile can improve the perception of self-image and boost self-esteem. Most importantly, proper oral hygiene is crucial for lifetime of healthy smiles! Visit our Edmonton office today for your cleaning and exam. 

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